Diana Gabaldon: Drums of Autumn
Another time traveling nurse story--I'm hooked. (****)
Birth of Venus
Couldn't put this one down. We were just in Florence so it felt familar. I just sent it to Lisa in Barcelona as she finished Middlesex and can't stand to be without a book. Enjoy! (****)
Elizabeth Gilbert: Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia
Easy read. I love her line about staying towards the center of the wheel. (***)
Diana Gabaldon: A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Outlander)
I'm a sucker for a big book and an even bigger story. A very guilty pleasure and fun to read. A time travelling nurse--doesn't get any better!
Jeffrey Eugenides: Middlesex
This book was a gift from CatieCakes. I read it in 5 days on the beach in Cabo. INTERESTING and funny. (****)
Dai Sijie: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
Short and sweet. Amazing that the Cultural Revolution happened in our lifetime. (***)
Pearl S Buck: The Good Earth
Beautiful (*****)
H. Richard Niebuhr: Christ and Culture
Recommended by David Brooks as required reading for all college students. So why am I reading it?
Gardiner and Shayne: Mason Dixon Knitting
For inspiration and fun (****)
Lynne Truss: Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
One can never have enough punctuation. (****)
Ann Patchett: Bel Canto
Not what I expected but a great read. (****)